From current status analysis to 10 SFS Safety Rules
SFS initiated a pilot project called “Integrated Safety” in close collaboration with the Swiss National Accident Insurance Agency (Suva) in May 2017. The objective of the project was to reduce work-related illness and injuries at SFS’s largest manufacturing site, in Heerbrugg (Switzerland), to zero. Suva’s consultant Erwin Krummenacher supported SFS throughout the duration of the project to help it achieve this ambitious goal. After a detailed examination of the “as-is” situation, attention turned to development of safety awareness training measures. Guided by the basic principle of “Employee health comes first and foremost”, numerous workshops were organized. Potential workplace hazards and risks at the manufacturing units were examined with appropriate safety measures drawn up and workplace modifications introduced. Various prevention programs were also introduced, 10 SFS Safety Rules were formulated and a systematic method for analyzing workplace accidents was conceived.