
More quality of life thanks to sharp edges and tips

More than 500 million men worldwide are affected by an enlarged prostate. Tegra Medical manufactures critical components for a device used in the leading life-changing procedure for men with enlarged prostates.

Added value

  • Problem solver for a component, which not many competitors are able to manufacture
  • Rigorous manufacturing procedures keep core components sharp
  • Efficient procedure thanks to precise instruments leads to fast recovery of patients

Debilitating problems
An enlarged prostate, called Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), can narrow or even block the urethra, causing bothersome urinary symptoms. In fact, BPH affects more than 500 million men worldwide. Traditional treatments such as surgery and pills can entail negative complications and side effects, causing many men to avoid treatment and live with the debilitating problem.

A minimally invasive solution
Tegra Medical produces the core components of an early treatment option for BPH. This treatment is the only leading procedure that does not require heating, cutting, removal, or destruction of prostate tissue – delivering rapid symptom relief and recovery. Performed in a doctor’s office, the minimally invasive procedure inserts tiny implants that hold the enlarged prostate tissue out of the way, so it no longer blocks the urethra.

Expertise in metal
The complex needle Tegra Medical produces deploys the implant and sutures. It is a good example of our expertise in nitinol shape setting. Nitinol can be formed into complex shapes to easily reach a body part. In the case of the prostate device, the needle is manufactured with the exact curve needed to access the prostate, without damaging surrounding tissue.

This instrument of Tegra Medical is used to treat an enlarged prostate.

Keeping the sharp parts sharp
This medical device is an excellent example of Tegra Medical’s “keep sharp parts sharp” story. We initially only manufactured the metal component, but the customer saw the added value of a supplier that could also provide insert-molding of the plastic components on the shaft. This includes, for example, the handle of such an instrument.

One of the most important parts of doing insert-molding on a sharp metal component is knowing how to protect the sharp tips. Not all medical device manufacturers are as careful and skilled as Tegra Medical in creating and maintaining sharp edges. Their devices can lose their sharp edges after insert-molding, assembly, and packaging.

It is critical that the tip of the needle is extremely sharp in order to pierce the prostate and deploy the implant and suture. Keeping the “business end” of devices sharp is a discipline throughout all of Tegra Medical. You could say that it is part of our DNA. Working with metal has been our core competency since day one, so our employees know how to make and keep it sharp.

A medical device that enables patients to walk out of doctors’ offices and avoid surgery or unwanted drugs can be just as complicated as one used in an operating room. What is simple is that Tegra Medical excels in manufacturing complex devices wherever and however they are used.


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