
Unique solution for a customer-specific construction

The owner of a plot of land in Warwick (England) had a vision: a residential property that would blend in seamlessly with the surroundings and be almost invisible to the naked eye. The unique construction of an “invisible house” posed a number of challenges. The SFS team found intelligent solutions in order to meet customer requirements and, at the same time, ensure a secure fastening. We mastered the challenge and satisfied the customer.

Added value

  • Tailored solutions thanks to our innovative and qualified staff
  • Meeting individual requirements thanks to customized solutions
  • Customer-oriented, solution-oriented and cost-efficient team for the best possible end products

The landowner and the company BPN Architects asked SFS to carry out an exceptional project. Our team rose to the challenge of building an “invisible house” amounting to 300 m2 – successfully.

Teething troubles encountered
Initially, stainless steel cladding was proposed as the reflective external cladding for the property. However, potential problems were found with this material during the development phase. Factors such as thermal expansion and contraction of the metal surfaces, as well as the formation of significant gaps between neighboring plates, were a cause for concern for our specialists. The SFS team also doubted whether the desired invisibility effect, overall aesthetics and necessary precision in the assembly could actually be achieved.

The NVELOPE® NV1 system

Know-how helps
To overcome these challenges, the SFS Group instead came up with an innovative design with a mirrored glass façade. This solution ensured both an elegant look, as well as the desired mirror and invisibility effect. Our products were used to affix the large reflective module to the wood-frame structure. The customer and BPN Architects decided on the NVELOPE® NV1 system, an isolated bracket system, and the customized SDA5 fastening elements for the fixing.

The NVELOPE®-systems impress with their user-friendliness and simplicity. One major advantage it has over comparable products is the vertical console that keeps the bracket in position. Its simple assembly makes NV1 suitable for various applications.

The SDA5 is a self-drilling screw that covers numerous customer requirements. The fastening element, which in this case is customized, is characterized by a reduced thread and a perfectly coordinated clamp length. This prevents the solution from becoming unscrewed and there is no need for a torque inspection.


Create the best solution
The SFS Group wants to solve problems and optimize processes. In this project, too, our approach was to complete a substantial part of the work as early as the planning phase. Throughout the process, our experts collaborated closely and efficiently with the architect and fitters, as well as with the owner. Appropriate specifications were developed, mutual advice was given, and test samples and launch plans were provided. Together, we were able to successfully master every challenge relating to the visionary architectural design. Not only did our solution receive praise for its immaculate appearance and cost efficiency, it also met the individual needs of the customer.


Used technologies

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Hitesh Pattni